Hot Melt for Foam Bonding | Sure Tack Systems

Hot Melt Adhesive for Foam Bonding Applications

Foam is a popular material with a wide variety of industrial uses, and can be found in everything from product packaging, to protective crates and cases, to seat cushions, mattresses and automotive applications. But when it comes to assembly bonding, foam can be a tricky substrate to work with, due to factors including the inherent weakness and fragility of many foams and the fact that some are susceptible to melting or otherwise degrading under sufficiently high temperatures.

Don’t let that scare you off: many of today’s melt adhesives have been designed with industrial foams in mind, as have the systems to apply them. Whether handheld or automatic, our STS series of applicators (used in junction with the appropriate melt) are capable of delivering a powerful adhesion between foam and other surfaces.

The Adhesive Application Process

HA2 One Module Spray Applicator

While bead extrusion is the most common method of adhesive application, and effective for many purposes, the low surface strength of many foams means that it may not provide a sufficient bond. It is also an inadequate method for laminating large products together.

Utilizing, a thin and even spread of adhesive along the contact areas of your foam surface delivers considerably improved strength (spray adhesive applicators are the ideal choice here, and will actually reduce the temperatures experienced by the heat-sensitive substrate). Another advantage to spraying hot melt adhesives is it uses a significantly less glue, which makes it more economical in the end.


At Sure Tack Systems, we are proud to be an industry leader in adhesive assembly solutions. Contact us today, and let’s discuss a customized system that fits your unique needs.

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