New garage doors are significantly different then the garage doors of just a couple decades ago that many of us grew up with. According to a recent article in “This Old House”, today’s garage doors are thicker, stronger and better insulated then the garage doors of yore. Much of this change is due to the fact that they are insulated when manufactured, a process made possible by new spray adhesive equipment that allows for fast and easy application of adhesive materials in garage door construction and assembly. Here at Sure Tack Systems, we offer a variety of hot melt spray adhesive systems that are ideal for the manufacturing of modern garage doors.
Why Insulated Garage Doors?
Once made primarily of wood, most new garage doors are constructed from metals, like steel and aluminum, or plastic. While this has made doors lighter, cheaper and in many ways easier to maintain, it has cut out the natural insulation effect that wood once provided. Most garage door manufacturers now install some sort of fiberglass radiant insulation to the back of the doors during the assembly process.
The application of adhesives to secure the insulation on the garage door has often presented a problem as the application process can be time consuming and traditional adhesives often have extended drying times that hold up the assembly process. But with the development of the kind of faster drying hot melt adhesives and both automatic and hand held adhesive spray systems that Sure Track Systems offers, the entire process has become streamlined, simplified and economically more feasible.
About Our Application Systems for Garage Doors
Sure Track Systems has been offering innovative solutions to companies in diverse industries that increase their production output, lower their costs and make the entire assembly process more environmentally friendly for more than 30 years. In fact, according to a report by, the major benefits of hot melt spray adhesives are that they are fast processing, safe, gap filling, environmentally friendly and shipment and storage efficient. Not only that, but the use of them is growing year after year, meaning those that want to stay competitive need to at least explore the possibilities they offer.
Our systems allow for easy, safe and fast application of hot melt glues for securing insulation to garage doors. In fact, we have two examples of automated applications specifically designed for garage doors listed on the construction industry section of our website for you to check out. Alternatively, manual extrusion and spray applicators can be combined with our supply units to allow for precise application of hot melt adhesives in smaller manufacturing environments.
Give us a call at (800) 580-2803 to find out more about how our spray adhesive systems can revolutionize how your garage doors are made!